
Worlds Leading Cruise Lines Website Terms & Conditions

Carnival plc is a publicly listed company in the United Kingdom. Carnival plc, trading as World’s Leading Cruise Lines has registered branches in Australia (ABN 23 107 998 443 2TA 5580), and New Zealand.
All of our websites (including are maintained by our Australian branch. Your use of the information, graphics and materials on our websites is governed by these WEBSITE TERMS & CONDITIONS and our WEBSITE PRIVACY STATEMENT.

Third Party Websites

This site also contains links to other websites. These links do not imply that Carnival plc endorses these websites or guarantees the reliability of the information they contain.

Computer Viruses

While it is very unlikely, Carnival plc is not responsible for any computer problem (including virus transmission) you may experience as a result of visiting this site or any of its links.


Carnival plc gives notice that all information contained within the site is subject to alteration with or without notice. While all travel information contained within this website is correct at the time of publication, some details (such as itineraries or prices) could possibly change. Please check on POLAR Online to verify pricing and availability before quoting these prices or making any marketing materials promoting any offers stated on this site.

Passage Conditions

Passengers are carried subject to our PASSAGE CONDITIONS and the conditions of other carriers concerned. Passengers should read the PASSAGE CONDITIONS outlined in the relevant cruise line brochures. You can view or request a copy of any of our brochures via this site. The terms of our PASSAGE CONDITIONS shall prevail to the extent of any inconsistency with these WEBSITE TERMS & CONDITIONS.

Limitation of Liability

Subject to any responsibilities implied by law and which cannot be excluded, we are not liable to you for any losses, damages, liabilities, claims and expenses (including but not limited to legal costs and defence or settlement costs) whatsoever arising out of or referable to material on our websites, whether in contract, to or including negligence, statute or otherwise. Liability of Carnival plc for a breach of a condition or warranty implied by law or otherwise, and which cannot be excluded, is limited to the supply of the goods or services again or the cash equivalent.


Unless expressly agreed otherwise, our websites are provided for use by Australian & New Zealand residents only. The law applicable to disputes arising from material on our websites is the law of New South Wales, Australia.

Copyright and Trademarks

Copyright in the material on our websites and any trademarks featured (including the trademarks of each brand) are owned or licensed by Carnival plc. The material on this site may only be reproduced for personal use or as otherwise prescribed under copyright legislation in Australia and New Zealand. To obtain permission to use this material for other purposes or to link to this site, please email the Web Editor at

Acceptance of and Changes to our Website Terms & Conditions

You acknowledge and accept that your use of our websites indicates your acceptance of these TERMS & CONDITIONS and our PRIVACY STATEMENT. We reserve any rights not expressly granted in these TERMS & CONDITIONS. These are the current TERMS & CONDITIONS and replace any other terms or conditions previously published. If we decide to change our TERMS & CONDITIONS, we will post these changes on this page.

Website Feedback

If you have any comments or experience any problems in accessing this website (such as inactive links), please email the Web Editor at